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La question
SuperUser reader Help My Self souhaite connaître la différence entre Usenet et Internet:
I am quite confused about what exactly Usenet is. On the Wiki article page, it says that Usenet is a “worldwide Internet distributed discussion system”.
First off, if it is “an Internet”, does that mean it’s just a global network of computers, but it’s not like, say, the World Wide Web with hypertext documents? I would like to know what draws the line between the correctness of just saying “the Internet” as opposed to, say, Usenet.
Basically, Usenet is a global network, but doesn’t use the WWW? What does it use then?
Usenet et Internet sont-ils deux entités complètement distinctes, ou sont-elles étroitement «interconnectées» et font-elles partie d’un «ensemble plus vaste»?
La réponse
Hennes, contributeur de SuperUser, a la solution pour nous:
Usenet is a network of servers which spread messages (posts) in newsgroups. They connect to each other, and people connect to them, over the Internet using TCP/IP, and exchange messages using the NNTP protocol.
The World Wide Web is a series of standalone servers, which people also reach over the Internet using TCP/IP, and retrieve web pages using the HTTP protocol.
But do not confuse the Web with the Internet. Webpages are but a small part of the Internet, and many other programs used to connect to each other long before the first webpages were ever served. (For that, see the history of WWW.) The one you might be most familiar with is email, which is usually sent via TCP/IP over the Internet using the SMTP protocol, but there are many more.
Also note that in the past, servers would exchange email and Usenet messages over phone lines using UUCP as the protocol – forming an informal UUCPNET – as Internet connections were rare and expensive for a long time.
Vous voulez en savoir plus sur Usenet et comment commencer à l'utiliser? Ensuite, parcourez notre guide pour commencer à utiliser Usenet!
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