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La question
Le lecteur de SuperUser, Sergey Larin, veut savoir comment déterminer le temps nécessaire au chargement complet d’un programme au démarrage:
There are some programs that automatically start whenever I boot my Windows 10 computer and I would like to shorten the amount of time it takes for my system to fully load and be ready to use. I would like to find out which programs are slowing my computer down when it boots and delay their start, especially if they are “less necessary” compared to other startup programs.
I have debated whether it is actually worth my time to look into this or not considering that my computer has a fast SSD, and if some programs only take a few milliseconds to start, then perhaps it is not worth the time and effort. But in case it could help, how can I find out how long it takes for a specific program to fully load at startup?
Here is a list of the programs that automatically start when I turn my computer on, but it does not show the exact amount of time in seconds or milliseconds, which is exactly what I want to see.
Comment déterminez-vous le temps nécessaire au chargement complet d'un programme au démarrage?
La réponse
Le contributeur de SuperUser, Timmy Jim, a la solution pour nous:
Using the same tab in the Task Manager window, right-click on one of the column headers and select CPU at startup from the list that appears. This will add a new column that displays the total CPU time in milliseconds that the application used during startup. For example:
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Crédit d'image: Timmy Jim (SuperUser)