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La question
Le lecteur superutilisateur User4493605 souhaite savoir quels mécanismes de microprogramme ou de matériel permettent des arrêts forcés:
Although I am not entirely certain about this, I am pretty sure that pushing and holding the power button down on all computers will force them to shut down after varying lengths of time. This is particularly useful if the computer freezes or some other error necessitates a total reboot.
What I am interested in is whether this forced shutdown mechanism is hardcoded into the computer’s underlying firmware or built into the computer on a hardware level. If the mechanism is firmware-based, then it is logical to assume that a CPU-level error would prevent this mechanism from properly triggering, which leads me to believe that this is a hardware function.
To summarise, is the universal forced shutdown mechanism built in at the hardware or firmware level? Can someone elaborate on the mechanism’s nature, variants, and general history.
Quels microprogrammes ou mécanismes matériels permettent des arrêts forcés?
La réponse
DavidPostill, contributeur à SuperUser, a la solution pour nous:
Is the universal forced shutdown mechanism built in at the hardware or firmware level?
Both the motherboard (hardware) and the BIOS (firmware) are involved in the process.
Source: How Does the Power Button Work?
Source: How Do These Modern Power Buttons on Devices Work? (Answer by Olin Lathrop)
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Crédit d'image: Josh Swannack (Flickr)