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La question
Le lecteur SuperUser DAE veut savoir comment protéger les fichiers au format zip et par un mot de passe en un minimum d'étapes:
I need a way to take a bunch of files and compress them into separate zip files with each using the same password. I want to be able to do this in one simple step. I have created a batch file that zips each of them using 7zip (which worked perfectly), but does not password protect them.
Is there a command that I can add to the batch file that includes the password? Or alternatively, how can I create a batch file that will password protect the compressed files?
Comment protégez-vous les fichiers en zip et par mot de passe en un minimum d'étapes?
La réponse
DavidPostill, contributeur à SuperUser, a la solution pour nous:
How can I create a batch file that will password protect the compressed files?
Use the -p option, -p (set password) switch, which specifies the password.
{password} specifies the password
Compresses *.txt files to archive.7z using the password “secret”. It also encrypts archive headers (-mhe switch) so that the file names will be encrypted.
7z a archive.7z -psecret -mhe *.txt
If compressing folders:
“C:Program Files (x86)7-Zip7z.exe” a “” -psecret “%%X”
Extracts all files from using the password “secret”.
7z x -psecret
Source: -p (set Password) switch
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