Y-a-t-il des risques à utiliser des câbles Y avec des périphériques USB?

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Y-a-t-il des risques à utiliser des câbles Y avec des périphériques USB?
Y-a-t-il des risques à utiliser des câbles Y avec des périphériques USB?

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Vidéo: Y-a-t-il des risques à utiliser des câbles Y avec des périphériques USB?
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Parfois, il peut être déroutant de constater qu’une spécification technique «interdit» l’utilisation d’un accessoire particulier. Pourtant, tout le monde semble penser que l’utilisation de l’article en question convient parfaitement. Qui est correct à la fin? L’article d’aujourd’hui sur le SuperUser Q & R répond aux questions d’un lecteur inquiet.

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Photo fournie par Dennis S. Hurd (Flickr).

La question

Le lecteur superutilisateur muttley91 souhaite savoir si l’utilisation de câbles en Y avec des périphériques USB présente des risques:

I have been advised to use a Y-cable to power a portable USB hard drive from two ports since it is unable to draw enough power from a single port. Are there any risks or dangers of overloading or damaging the hard drive by using a Y-cable this way?

L'utilisation de câbles en Y avec des périphériques USB présente-t-elle des risques?

La réponse

Les contributeurs du super-utilisateur misha256 et Dmitry Grigoryev ont la réponse pour nous. D'abord, misha256:

The USB specification prohibits the use of Y-cables:

Use of a Y-cable (a cable with two A-plugs) is prohibited on any USB peripheral. If a USB peripheral requires more power than allowed by the USB specification to which it is designed, then it must be self-powered.

But the real world said “forget your silly rules” and uses Y-cables all the time. Technically, there is pretty much zero risk of anything bad happening, just do not use Y-cables via an unpowered USB hub. Plug the connectors straight into the computer’s USB ports.

“Are there any risks or dangers of overloading or damaging the hard drive by using a Y-cable this way?”

Using a Y-cable does not increase the voltage, it only makes more current available, so it is all good. The hard drive will take as much current as it needs.

You are far more likely to damage the contents of a hard drive by running it under-powered. There is nothing worse than write operations failing midway through. So I implore you, use the Y-cable.

Suivi de la réponse de Dmitry Grigoryev:

Y-cables are forbidden by the USB specification for a reason. Connecting the A-plugs of a Y-cable into two different host ports (i.e. two different computers, a computer and a hub, etc.) can lead to multiple electrical problems:

  1. One of the hosts may be unpowered while the other one is powered on. This will result in the powered host pushing current to the unpowered one in the wrong direction, possibly resulting in damage.
  2. Even if both hosts are powered, one will provide a slightly higher voltage than the other, resulting in a problem similar to problem #1 above (perhaps less severe).
  3. If you are extremely unlucky, you may get two computers with poorly isolated PSUs connected to different mains (120V or 240V) networks. Connecting those with a common ground cable (which is a Y-shaped USB) will zap both computers instantly. Though in this case I would be more concerned about electrical safety in general rather than about Y-cable usage.

If you make sure to connect both A-plugs to the same USB host, using a Y-cable is fine (I have one myself). Do not worry about over-powering the drive, it will take just as much current as it needs.

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