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La question
Le lecteur superutilisateur ehsanullahjan souhaite savoir comment masquer le nouveau bouton de nom de profil d'utilisateur dans Google Chrome:
The latest version of Google Chrome now shows a name button on the far right side of the tab bar that displays the name of the user currently logged in. I am the only one using my computer and the button is kind of annoying just sitting there and staring at me all the time.
Is there a way to hide this button? By the way, I am using Mac OS X Yosemite and Google Chrome Version 39.0.2171.99 (64-bit).
Existe-t-il un moyen de masquer ou de supprimer le nouveau bouton de nom de profil d'utilisateur?
La réponse
ThiefMaster, contributeur de SuperUser, a la solution pour nous:
You can disable this annoying button via chrome://flags. The option you are looking for is Enable new profile management system, reachable using this direct link:
Disable it, then restart Google Chrome and the button will be gone.
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