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La question
Le lecteur superutilisateur jl6 souhaite savoir si une copie sous licence et activée de Windows 7 peut être déplacée vers une machine virtuelle sur le même ordinateur:
I have read the SuperUser blog post about transferring a license, but I am confused when it comes to the licensed, activated copy of Windows 7 that I already have running on my PC. I want to move the license to a virtual machine running in Ubuntu on the same PC, but am I allowed to do this?
Jl6 peut-il légalement déplacer cette copie de Windows 7 vers une machine virtuelle sur le même ordinateur ou non?
La réponse
Dawn Benton, contributrice de SuperUser, a la solution pour nous:
Section 3d of both the OEM and Retail licenses of the versions I checked (Windows 7 Professional and Windows 7 Home Premium) state:
d. Use with Virtualization Technologies. Instead of using the software directly on the licensed computer, you may install and use the software within only one virtual (or otherwise emulated) hardware system on the licensed computer.
Since the original poster’s machine is the licensed computer, will be running Ubuntu as a host OS, and have Windows running in a single virtual machine on a virtual hardware system on the same licensed computer, then according to this, it is okay.
Intellectual Property and End User License Terms – Microsoft
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