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Photo fournie par Luca Colli (Flickr).
La question
Le lecteur SuperUser Mega veut savoir s’il existe un moyen de savoir si deux DVD sont exactement identiques ou non:
I have two DVDs and if I open the them, then copy the contents to my hard-drive to compare the respective files, it shows no difference. As far as I know, DVDs also have some additional content (such as information saying if the DVD is bootable along with some formatting information I guess).
How can I also check this additional content? Is it possible without additional programs on Windows or Ubuntu?
Y a-t-il des méthodes qu'une personne pourrait utiliser pour vérifier si deux DVD sont identiques ou non?
La réponse
Les contributeurs SuperUser mtak et Dithermaster ont la solution pour nous. Tout d'abord, mtak:
The easiest way to determine if two discs are the same is to run a hash of both of them:
sudo md5sum /dev/cdrom
If the hashes match, then the disks are exactly the same. However, if the hashes do not match, then this will not tell you what is different about them. If even a single bit is different, you will get a totally different hash.
You can check the partition table of a disc with fdisk:
sudo fdisk -l /dev/cdrom
Suivi de la réponse de Dithermaster:
Just comparing folders and files misses other things about the disc. If you create an.ISO image file from each disc and byte compare them, you would have a better idea if the discs are really the same or not.
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