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La question
Le lecteur SuperUser arielnmz veut savoir comment obtenir les deux horloges de sa configuration Windows / Linux à double amorçage pour afficher les temps corrects et correspondants:
Ever since I started using Linux in a dual-boot set up with Windows, I have noticed when I rebooted the machine, the time on the other operating system was wrong (for example, 12:00 on Linux, reboot to Windows and see 18:00). When I checked the BIOS, the RTC was set to 18:00.
Since my time zone is -06:00 CST, I assume Linux just sets the RTC’s time to UTC and re-calculates the time based on the time zone whereas Windows just sets the RTC to the time for the time zone. Both use the same NTP server to synchronize the time.
My question is, which one is doing the right thing? On which one should I set the time zone setting to UTC in order to have the right time on both?
Quelle est la meilleure méthode pour résoudre le problème d’horloge à double amorçage d’Arielnmz?
La réponse
Ayan Patra, contributeur à SuperUser, a la solution pour nous:
I recently faced the same problem and this is how I fixed it. You need to make some minor changes in both operating systems.
I started with Linux first. Run the following commands as root:
This will update your time if it is not set correctly.
Now set the hardware clock to UTC with this command.
hwclock –systohc –utc
Now boot to Windows and add the following to the registry. Simply create a.reg file using the code below in Notepad. Save it and run it.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlTimeZoneInformation] “RealTimeIsUniversal”=dword:00000001
From the next boot onward, both operating systems will show you the correct time.
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