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Photo gracieuseté de Randy (Flickr).
La question
Le lecteur superutilisateur robertalrp souhaite savoir si un adaptateur sans fil natif peut être converti en un dongle:
I have an old netbook and wonder if it is possible to remove the internal wireless adapter (Atheros AR5BXB63) and convert it into an external USB wireless adapter (dongle) for another computer. My reason for doing so is to add an extra wireless adapter to the second computer without substituting it for the internal one.
Are there any methods for converting an internal wireless adapter into an external one?
Un adaptateur sans fil natif peut-il être converti en un dongle?
La réponse
Les contributeurs de SuperUser codenoire et Keltari ont la solution pour nous. D'abord, codenoire:
It is possible, but why would you buy an adapter when you can get high quality USB wireless dongles on eBay for less than ten dollars? The card you have is huge and over time it will be more of a hassle to keep it out of the way than it would be to just replace it (especially if the adapter you purchased does not fully enclose the card). Keep it simple!
Suivi de la réponse de Keltari:
In theory, yes. I have never seen them used, but there are mini-PCIe to USB adapters.
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