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La question
Le lecteur superutilisateur JoeM souhaite savoir s’il est possible d’utiliser simultanément plusieurs profils dans Google Chrome:
Some of my online accounts are tied to a personal Gmail address while others are tied to a business Gmail address. They are needed for automated logins on websites like StackExchange, for example.
If I want to log in to this group (i.e. StackExchange), then I have to sign out from my business Gmail account and log in with my personal Gmail account.
Is there a way that I can use something like multiple profiles in Google Chrome at the same time? For example, in one screen I can log into my personal Gmail account and use the services connected to it, then in another screen log into my business Gmail account and use the services connected to it.
Est-il possible d'utiliser plusieurs profils simultanément dans Google Chrome?
La réponse
DrBreakalot, contributeur de SuperUser, a la solution pour nous:
Google Chrome does support multiple profiles as explained via this help topic page (covers multiple kinds of devices): Share Chrome with Other People
Every profile is its own separate instance of Google Chrome, each with its own saved tabs and sessions.
I have a profile button in the top right corner of my browser that allows me to switch profiles. I use it on both my work and personal computers. The screenshot shown below is from Google Chrome 46.0.2490.80 running on OSX.
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