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Photo fournie par Asten (Flickr).
La question
Le lecteur de SuperUser, Blaine, veut savoir comment réparer un ordinateur sur lequel le disque dur n'est reconnu que lorsqu'il est déjà allumé:
So I have encountered a weird issue. When I first turn on my desktop computer, it does not recognize that it has a hard-drive in it. However, if I then press the reset button, or turn it off and back on quickly enough, the hard-drive will be recognized.
In all other aspects, the hard-drive works perfectly (with a S.M.A.R.T test showing no errors). What could be the cause of this, and is there any way to fix it?
Comment réparer un ordinateur sur lequel le disque dur n'est reconnu que lorsqu'il a déjà démarré?
La réponse
Le contributeur de SuperUser, Mokubai, a la solution pour nous:
It could be that the BIOS on your computer is not waiting long enough for the hard-drive to spin up before continuing to boot. Many BIOSes have an option for “hard-drive spin up time” which can delay the boot process for a couple of seconds while the hard-drive spins up.
If you can access the BIOS on your computer, then I would look for that option and see if you can extend the delay.
If this is a recent occurrence, then it could be a sign that the hard-drive motor is beginning to fail and can no longer spin up as quickly as it used to. This would be a bad indication as it may not be able to spin up at all soon.
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